Nic Bovee

Husband, Father, and Solver of Problems.

You're invited to take a risk and ship

Thu Jul 30 2015


Shipper Shop Complex-01

Would you take a risk if it was the only way to change your life?

We are all scared of failing. We are scared of making mistakes. We are held back from standing up and changing something because we're worried that it will hurt our image, or alienate us from our community.

At the end of the altMBA we were told that the final project is to put together a small event. I decided to make my event about change. ShipperShop is for people who are ready to take action, and change something in order to move closer to a lifestyle of passion. It is also about creating an environment where we can challenge one another to dig deeper.

If you or someone you know is looking for a place to test ideas, take action, and help others do the same, share this with them. We would love to see them there!

Join us on the Thursday August 13th! Be one of the 30 people making a change and shipping.

To sign up go to