Nic Bovee

Husband, Father, and Solver of Problems.

Shipping it

Tue Jul 21 2015

Today I finished my Ship It Journal

I am committed to putting on my live event, and I will stop at nothing to make it happen. I've applied dates to all of the different items that need my attention and got them out on the wall with deadlines.

To-do stickies

Tasks that remain to be finished in a week.

 The premise of the event is this.

Talk about my experience in the altMBA, cover a few of the topics, and then let everyone take action that night. A big part of shipping is accountability. If you don't have someone waiting on the end of your deadline, chances are whatever it is won't make it. It's going to be about taking action that night. Refusing to wait for a "better moment" is the only way to finish anything.  We will all start with planning, then line people up to wait for us at the finish line.